Readings Related to Japanese Swords, Polishing, and
the Martial Arts

This page
contains links to various reading selections. They provide great
insight into the culture of the samurai and the martial arts. The
articles are generally short and some are very amusing. Please take the
time to look at them all.
The picture at the right is a detail from a sumi-e painting
of a cormorant by Miyamoto Musashi.
The first
is from the 1643 classic The Book of Five Rings. It
focuses on Musashi's concept of Heiho.
The next
selection is from Eiji Yoshikawa's epic novel Musashi.
It deals with Musashi's encounter with a sword polisher.
The next 2
selections are from E. J. Harrison's 1913 book The Fighting
Spirit of Japan. They include martial anecdotes from Sakujiro
Yokoyama, the then Director of the Kodokan.
